Editor's review
A convenient, precise and powerful tool for HVAC&R engineers. This psychometric chart is perfectly consistent with all ASHRAE charts of No.1~7(SI Units) and No.1~5(IP Units).
Features: It is a very useful tool for HVAC and refrigeration engineers This psychometric chart is consistent with all ASHRAE charts of No.1~7(SI Units) and No.1~5(IP Units). Very precise calculations can be carried out. Both metric and English units are supported. Readout of the psychometric charts are very convenient. You just need to mouse over the chart for detailed read out on the interface. You get read outs of P_env, humidity ratio, dry bulb, wet bulb temperatures as well as dew point reads. Humidity ration, enthalpy and so on. Then you have a section that lets you change constants for re-drawing of the charts. These include Minimum humidity and maximum humidity ratios, dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperatures, sea level pressure and altitude. Charts get redrawn and you are able to get the above read out for the changed design scenario.
The same interface has various tabs such as process, convert, cycle1, cycle2 and display. Cycle 1 and cycle 2 take into account the feedback at one point the fresh air intake only or the feedback at two points at the fresh air intake as well as a intermediate point. Depending on summer or winter you get a set of readings. Display tab lets you choose the color of the curves on the psychometric charts.
Overall: Very convenient set of design charts that recalculates automatically. Some typos on the interface spoil the effect in otherwise well designed interface.
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